Platelets, Pooled, Buffy Coat-Derived, Leukocyte-Depleted

  • A pool of platelets, derived from buffy coats, which contains less than 1 × 106 leucocytes
  • Bleed time exceeding 15 minutes are not suitable for platelet production
  • Initial separation of buffy coat must occur within 24 hours of venepuncture
  • Prepare buffy coat at ambient temperature
  • Suspend in a single unit of plasma
    • Plasma group O: test for high-titre anti-A and anti-B
    • ‘High-titre negative’ units labelled
    • Plasma from male donors only to reduce risk of TRALI
  • Should be transfused through a 170–200 μm filter
  • Labeling:
    • Platelets, Pooled, Buffy Coat Derived, Leucocyte Depleted* and volume
    • the blood component producer’s name*
    • a unique pool or batch number or the donation number of all contributing platelet units*
    • the ABO group*
    • the RhD group stated as positive or negative*
    • the expiry date*
    • the temperature of storage and a comment that continuous gentle agitation throughout storage is recommended
    • the blood pack lot number*
    • the name, composition and volume of the anticoagulant or additive solution.
    • In addition, the following statements should be made: INSTRUCTION – always check patient/component compatibility/identity. Inspect pack and contents for signs of deterioration or damage. Risk of adverse reaction/infection, including vCJD
  • Storage: store at core temperature of 22±2°C with continuous gentle agitation for up to 5 days in a closed system. If storing up to 7 days: needs an assay to exclude bacterial contamination prior to transfusion, or application of a licensed pathogen inactivation procedure.
    • If produced in an open system, transfuse ASAP and within 6 hours (during this time store at core temperature of 22±2°C with continuous gentle agitation)
    • If agitation is interrupted, transfusion can be done if agitation is interrupted for no more than 24h total and each interruption is <8hrs
  • Transport: containers should be equilibrated at room temperature. Temp of platelets should be kept as close as possible to recommended storage temperature during transport.

Platelets, Apheresis, Leucocyte-Depleted

  • A single-donor platelet component containing less than 1 × 106 leucocytes
  • Must use validated apheresis protocol
  • Other specifications same as pooled platelets

Platelets in Additive Solution, Leucocyte-Depleted

  • A platelet concentrate derived from buffy coats or apheresis, which contains less than 1 × 106 leucocytes and where the suspending medium is additive solution. This component is indicated for patients with reactions to plasma-containing components.